camping music

chris snell

Staff member
Aug 15, 2005
I can almost smell the campfire, listening to these tonight...

Don Edwards ... really, any of them, but among my favorites: "Coyotes" and "The Cowboy's Song"

Tom Russell's "Gallo del Cielo" and "El Llano Estacado". He also has a great cover of Kevin Farrell's "Sonora's Death Row".

Mike, you have to come to the 2007 national rally. We gotta trade iPod collections and pick a few around the campfire. :)

Chris (terrapin)
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The big camping CD me and my buds used to listen to when we were out camping was a huge Johnny Cash mix. Its great. Then Ring of fire comes on and one of the boys decides we better actually make a ring of fire around the camp with the ATV gas and :D


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2004
Kingsport TN
CoyGlasscock said:
Nick Drake's - Pink Moon


Currently on my phone: Bryter Layter, Made to Love Magic, and Way to Blue (complete CD's: the latter two being two different compilation albums... would think that I'd have Five Leaves Left and Pink Moon on there instead, but, I just happened to find these instead - a bit of overlap, but, not too bad, I've got most of his work between them).

Actually, I have a really eclectic mix: :also on my phone: Iris DeMent's Infamous Angel, Allman Bros' (a decade of hits), Beatles (Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band), the Eagles (Desperado, Hell Freezes Over, greatest hits vol 2), Simon & Garfunkel (concert in the park), Blind Faith,. But then I have everything by the Shins (including Flake Music), Modest Mouse, Weezer, the Killers, the Secret Machines, Barenaked Ladies, Green Day. I have Metallica (the black album) and Led Zep (the BBC CD's and half of the other box-sets), and GnR (Lies, both Illusions, etc). I have the Grateful Dead, I have Depeche Mode (Violator) and the Police (hits), the Raconteurs and the White Stripes, and Tom Petty's Wildflowers. I even have No Doubt, Seven Nations, Clandestine.... (I like having a 4gb memory card in my phone, full of mp3's.)


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2004
Reading, Pa
marc olivares said:
those who know me know that i'm a bit of a music junky, so with that said, i thought i'd give up my latest little jewel of a find which i would consider the quintesssential camping chilling music.

JOLIE HOLLAND- escondida
(she's like a twist of Billy Holiday and Tom Waits all wrapped up a blend of twangy folk)

nothing like sitting by the fire w/ cocktail in hand being serenaded by bluesy voices form heaven :D check it out

what do you like to chill with by the fire?

I thought I was the only person who listened to Tom Waits. It's nice to see someone else enjoys the man's music.....