McCain VP- Sarah Palin


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Eastern Shore of MD
J. Toronado said:
LOL...McCain couldn't win a goldfish at a state fair. He sealed his fate last night. But you keep telling yourself that Blue...power of positive thinking may get you somewhere yet. Just not the white house.
Its going to be a close race at this point but I'd not be betting money on your boy. In the two polls released today, one has them dead even conducted by the same organization showing BHO ahead by 8 pts on Tuesday. The other, shows BHO ahead by only 2 pts. That lead of his is slipping as people start to see there is something out there with a bit of meat to it and it didn't roll out of Chicago.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Eastern Shore of MD
Just so you can put those polls in perspective, all of them were completed before McCain's speech last night and 2/3rds before Palin's speech.

J. Toronado

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2008
Warsaw, VA
Polls don't mean shit. I could bring you a poll saying 45% of the American public want a colostomy. I believe the race is tight but not because of any other reason then our country is split right down the middle. But the swing states and the independent voters again will decide. It will be close, I'll give you that.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2004
Columbia, IL
You're right about one thing, polls don't mean shit...

But those NObama "supporters" still have to punch that ballot, and the trendy and hip thing to do will be overwritten by common sense and an intelligent understanding that we can't turn America over to him. No way.


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2006
Middle O' Missouri
J. Toronado said:
"It's apparent to us that the governor or someone on her staff had direct access to his personnel file, as well as his workers' comp file, and those are protected," said John Cyr, executive director of the Alaska Public Safety Employees Association.

"apparent to us"

in other words, "we are going to say that, but really don't know and can't prove it"

So, that does not say anything.


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2006
Middle O' Missouri
As for the debates, I am REALLY looking forward to them. I think they will have a different effect than commonly believed, i.e. no tele-promters. We shall see. I think there is a reason that Obama's advisers said "No way, not until we absolutely have to." Obama's people are going to say he won, McCain's people are going to say he won, but I think the people will prefer McCain's no-nonsense, direct approach to Obama's bable on for 30 minutes, say uh a lot and skirt around questions aproach. It basically will boil down to who is the best coached.

Palin will destroy Biden, period. Palin will come off as real and Biden will come off as a pompass ass (which he is).

J. Toronado

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2008
Warsaw, VA
Bannon88 said:
You're right about one thing, polls don't mean shit...

But those NObama "supporters" still have to punch that ballot, and the trendy and hip thing to do will be overwritten by common sense and an intelligent understanding that we can't turn America over to him. No way.

Sound a little nervous there Bannon...

If you're relying on good old American common sense to win this election then you've got the wrong candidate. Only a fool would vote for 4 more years of a gop held white house after what bush has done to the country in 8.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
gugubica said:
Palin will destroy Biden, period. Palin will come off as real and Biden will come off as a pompass ass (which he is).

You may be right.
If Biden is his typical bulldog self, it will not play well if he beats up on a woman.
However, he was very complimentary about her speech the other night.
So who knows...


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Anchorage Alaska
bri said:
ThePoint <------------------------------------------------------------> HunterAK

I believe that we were discussing the irony that the candidate with the least amount of experience is the only one that has held a executive office and made executive decisions. I merely point out that I believe that this would be true, that Palin is the only one that has held executive office,including McCain.

There was no mention about military office, I believe that the post was referring to political office.

I apologize for your confusion.

Please consider before you respond directly to posts that you may be speaking to someone years your elder that has a great deal of respect for all military staff. Maybe even someone that works with military commanders on a regular basis, supports the military, donates on a regular basis, has season tickets to the USAFA football games, maybe even a member of the Association of the United States Army, you just never know who you are talking to on these forums or who you may accidentally talk down to or insult. You never know when someone is just here for some friendly conversation.

Now, if you would like to post how McCain's plan for improving education, I am all ears.

Excuse my confusion. I took your comment for a challenge of his executive experience, obviously.

However, while my parents have taught me to respect my elders, in a forum like this, those things don't come into play during my thought process before I reply to anyone's comments on here. You are simply, bri, which makes the debates a little more even keel. And if you haven't figured it out yet, the conversation sometimes on this particular forum is far from friendly. :)

I apologize if you perceived my thoughts to be insulting to your character. Not my intention. :victory:


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
East Virginia
J. Toronado said:
Did I just hear Mccain rattle on about how the Republican party is corrupt and how they let America down time and time again? he has been paying attention. And on the record with that sentiment now too. He wants us to fix it by...wait for it, electing a Republican to the White House! Woohoo!!

Yup, it was rather amazing to listen to one after another of the speakers at the repug convention - ALL of them actually - diss corruption, special interests, and the "beltway bureaucrats." Fred Thompson referenced "an expanding and too often incompetent government." McCain, in introducing Palin, said, "she has fought corruption and taken on the special interests....I can't wait to ‘introduce' her to Washington. Change is coming." All well and good...but don't any of them realize that it's their own party that has been in power? How utterly ironic that these pronouncements came on the same day that Jack Abramoff was sentenced to prison.

Abramoff was sentenced to six years: four of federal time and two more from a separate case in Florida. He could have gotten 11 years, but got some time off because of his work with the FBI and in testifying against other, republican politicians. Almost tearful in front of judge Ellen Huvelle, he said, "I come before you a broken man. I'm not the same man who happily and arrogantly engaged in a lifestyle of political and business corruption."

Here's a conundrum for all the Bush appologists out there and especially MarkP who mentions the democrat's so-called "culture of corruption" in every other post. Either you have been wrong these past eight years about Bush and his cadre of incompetent, corrupt cronies - or John McCain, Sarah Palin, and every one of the other convention speakers (Thompson, Guillani, Huckabee, and Romney) are wrong. Which is it? Can't be's one or the other. I find it interesting that Bush's name was mentioned once - just once - during the whole convention. Cheney's name? Never. I can't wait for Mark to try to spin his way out of this one.... :popcorn:

McCain vowed, "I don't work for the special interests. I work for you." We'll see, especially given the source of much of his campaign contributions to date. But maybe he'll surprise us all. Stranger things have happened, but whoever is elected this November is going to be up to their ass in alligators from day one - I hope that can handle it. In today's economic news, 84,000 jobs were lost in August. Unemployment is rising and at its highest levels (6.1%) since 2003. The National Association of Realtors reports the highest number of foreclosures ever. As someone famously said to another Bush 16 years ago, "It's the economy, stupid."

And pray to [insert your deity of choice] that it's a fair and honest election, without the controversy of the previous ones. I'm not sure our republic can handle another like the previous two....


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
HunterAK said:
Excuse my confusion. I took your comment for a challenge of his executive experience, obviously.

However, while my parents have taught me to respect my elders, in a forum like this, those things don't come into play during my thought process before I reply to anyone's comments on here. You are simply, bri, which makes the debates a little more even keel. And if you haven't figured it out yet, the conversation sometimes on this particular forum is far from friendly. :)

I apologize if you perceived my thoughts to be insulting to your character. Not my intention. :victory:

Thank you and no worries. I have seen a pile of political debate on this forum in the 8 or 9 years that I have been reading. I stopped participating in these debates during the last election I believe.

What I learned is that when it gets heated and people just banter back and forth that no one is really learning anything. I tend to learn the most when it is kept freindly, when I do not get emotional and do listen to what others are saying. And of of course I believe that the converse is also true. Cheers.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
East Virginia
gugubica said:
As for the debates, I am REALLY looking forward to them. I think they will have a different effect than commonly believed, i.e. no tele-promters. We shall see....

Palin will destroy Biden, period....

Yup. I'm looking forward to them as well. Is there a betting line in 'Vegas yet? :p Not sure that Palin will come out on top, though. But look what happened in the previous eight presidential debates. One guy lost ALL of 'em but still won in November....

J. Toronado

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2008
Warsaw, VA
"Let me offer an advance warning to the old, big-spending, do-nothing, me-first, country-second Washington crowd: Change is coming."

-John McCain 9/4/08

Looks like Johnny is on point with Obama's message of Change. How refreshing. Next he'll be talking about Hope too. He's writing his own epitaph!! Gotta love it.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2004
Atlanta, GA
RBBailey said:
Hey Tom, what did you mean by you were, "shocked that Palin would call the authorities when she hears that Wooten...?"
oops, typo, I meant I am shocked that she wouldn't...
Sorta changed the meaning :rofl:


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2004
Columbia, IL
J. Toronado said:
Sound a little nervous there Bannon...

If you're relying on good old American common sense to win this election then you've got the wrong candidate. Only a fool would vote for 4 more years of a gop held white house after what bush has done to the country in 8.

Not nervous at all.

You fail to realize I live in Illinois, I've seen what NObama has done, or more realistically has failed to do. Name one thing he has done, you'll be hard pressed.

He has vote "present" over 125 times, nice to have such a fearless leader who can made the tough decisions for his state. Imagine how well he'll do for the entire country. Check out where Illinois ranks among the states....

C-. Lot of help Obama has been. Sure he can't shoulder all the blame, but he didn't offer any help, just attended and voted present. Wouldn't want to be caught on the wrong side of the issue, would he?

Obama brings nothing to the table but fancy rheotoric and a complete lack of substance, very little character, and a tangled web or connections to the Chicago political machine that has time and time again proven corrupt.

The facts will surface and the cheap facade of Obama will fall off once he has to actually give an answer to a specific question regarding his policies. He hasn't yet, no one has told him what they are as of yet.

America would be in for real trouble if this puppet would get to office, he wouldn't be able to talk his way.....he'd have to do something, which he has shown no real capacity for, except for bluffing his way to the head of the Democratic Party' hopes, but that's changing.