Michelin XZL 8.25R16 - Brand New

chris snell

Staff member
Aug 15, 2005
..Copying this over from my post on NAS-ROW...

Check it out, Discoweb:

I have found the unobtanium: Michelin XZL 8.25R16 tires, brand new. I've been looking for these tires for about eight years now and finally found them. I've been trolling overseas tire sellers, U.S. Michelin wholesalers, eBay, Craigslist, classified ads, and a million other places before I finally found this company. It's a low-profile U.S.-based tire importer that specializes in hard-to-find Euro stuff. These are not Chinese knock-offs like the Best China #1 Yellow Sea bullshit, these are the real deal. These are, quite simply, the toughest off-road tire that money can buy.

Here's the even better part: they're reasonably priced (at least for now). Figure about $250/tire.

So, here's the deal:

1. This deal is only for NAS-ROW and DiscoWeb members. I will not be posting this on any other site.

2. You have to PM me for the details.

3. If you post the details of this hookup to any other site or share them with anyone and I find out about it, you're banned. This is exclusively for our awesome site, not that other shitty site that blocks the words "NAS-ROW" from being posted. Those guys can buy the Yellow Sea on eBay. If you have a friend that wants in, have them join the site and PM me.

4. In the spirit of DiscoWeb, I'm charging a finders fee of $0 for the hookup. However, if you feel like making a donation to the site to offset hosting expenses, we might take that.

5. These are available in limited quantities so don't even think about trying to be a tire flipper (that's a ban-worthy offense). I'm putting these up here for the true enthusiasts that want a set for their truck. The Dale Knepps of the world need not apply.

6. There is a very short deadline for this group buy. I need to know by 5PM EDT tomorrow (24 May) if you are in. That includes processing payment. After this deal is done, the remaining stock will be sold off on eBay at significantly higher prices. For this group buy, I have arranged Fastenal shipping. This will not be an option for future eBay sales, which will go via regular LTL (more $$$$). So, if you want some tires, I need to know very soon.




chris snell

Staff member
Aug 15, 2005
They are no longer manufactured as far as I can tell. From time to time, a military customer will order a ton of them and some will eventually end up in surplus. These are part of a large military excess from a European military customer.


Well-known member
May 21, 2007
Why mfr them and have no distribution?

Because only the loonies on the fringes of the Land Rover enthusiast community obsess over these tires. If you drew a Venn diagram, the intersection between Land Rover owners who know about these tires, Land Rover owners who want these tires, and Land Rover owners who aren't cheapfucks and can afford these tires would be minuscule.

They are impressive, no doubt, but overkill for the kind of driving I do and not a good match for the way my trucks are configured. Props to Chris for lining up this opportunity for like-minded XZL fans, this is a rare chance. Now, if he can do the same for the 7.5x16 XCL, then I'd consider it. But not too seriously.

Oh, and we should be making donations to Dweb anyway.

chris snell

Staff member
Aug 15, 2005
More photos. These pics are of my first set. I ran these on my Nevada trip. 3,900 miles, 2,100 of which were off-road. Zero flats, zero problems.


