Lay & Skilling - Found Guilty!

Oct 27, 2004
They deserve it.... But everyone who put their eggs in one basket had it coming.

Their pain could have been avoided if they asked themselves.......


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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
East Virginia
Excellent! Seems like the classic, dumb guy's defense ("Hey, I didn't know....") didn't work. Hope they get hard time instead of the 'country club' at Allenwood, or x hours of community service wearing a leg bracelet. These corporate thieves deserve to be well-and-truly buggered for a looooong time.

Wonder if there is a Presidential pardon in the works for ol' "Kenny Boy"? He was the largest contributor, after all....


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
I wonder if the Fannie Mae executive staff is squirming? Raines, Gorelick, etc. . . They did the same thing.

Amazing how all this late 90's / early 2000's corruption is now just being investigated and prosecuted. I wonder why?


Knew it wouldn't be to long before someone would try to blame the coruption of Bush's largest contributer on Clinton.
Oct 27, 2004
It doesn't. I'm simply pointing out that many people have a problem with GW because "The Economy was better under Clinton."

Its starting to come out, that it wasn't that great... People were trading stocks based on faulty earning reports..... Aside from that pesky 9/11 thing affecting the stock market.

Enron was a HUGE stock player in the 90's... Based on bad intell. Had the intell been correct, the stock market surely would have acted differently.....


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
The 90's will be looked back as one of the most corrupt timeframes and administrations the US experienced. Enron wasn't Clinton's fault but excutives knew they weren't going to be prosecuted because that wasn't what the administration wanted. The 90's stock market was experiencing a bubble and people 'felt' wealthy. The Clinton adminstration and DNC were taking money from the Chicoms, corrupt business executives could operate with impunity and banks were chasing the next investment pyramid scheme. Stocks went for $5 to $100 in a matter of 1 year, capital gains tax revenues were up to cover the additional federal spending and the administration could claim it was fiscally responsible.

Party, party, party till . . . . . the cracks started to appear in 1998. The stock market bubble burst in the year 2000. Enron stock hit its highest price in August of 2000 and we all know the rest of the story.

Gorelick, as deputy AG, was busy erecting walls between agencies to prevent effective investigations into Chinagate. She later went on to manage the books at Fannie Mae for her and others significant financial gain. Osama used this wall to his advantage. We now are just beginning to fully understand that story. It's possible that 9/11 would have been prevented and the Iraq war would not have occurred.

I wonder how history will reflect on the 90's?


The Iraq war was not a neccessity. The Afghanistan war was, but not the Iraq war. Don't fall for or repeat the bullshit.



Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
East Virginia
MarkP said:
The 90's will be looked back as one of the most corrupt timeframes and administrations the US experienced.


...and I guess by comparison the present administration is all skittles'n'beer....

The Bush administration is *light years* beyond the former in corruption, scandal, cronyism, and outright incompetence. Try doing a Google search on Dubya and "scandal". 7,500,000 hits and counting. No, this administration will go down in history as the most corrupt, inept in US history. Worse than Warring Harding and "the Ohio gang" that brought us Teapot Dome, worse than Buchannan, worse than Grant.

Try...just for answer the following question WITHOUT cut'n'pasting from Freepers or some other web site. C'mon, I can see you are on line yer own bloody words: What has this administration gotten right? Anything? Something?

Here is a person who took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" but then referred to it in a fit of pique as "just a God-damned piece of paper."



Well, Chris, look up what I said and you may see..."corroboration". I read this reply from you and I see "deflection".

KJ :)
Oct 27, 2004
I was just making a point. He was speaking with some authority about what I would find if I googled what he said.

Turns out, it was 1/14th of his number.

My experiance with liberals is just that, they take something small......Make it into something bigger, and spread it like fact.

1 - 10 of about 4,960,000 for Clinton Scandal - 0.13 sec

5 million to his 16.6

Hell Even Jimmy Carter, the most non slimy (Yet crazy) president I can think of had almost a million. And, that was before the internet
1 - 10 of about 796,000 for jimmy carter scandal - 0.20 sec.

I wonder how many of the 16.6 million has something to do with 9/11. Like he blew it up with rockets or some shit like that.

Facts over emotion. Gotta try it, you may like it.
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Honestly, Chris, you make me laugh, sometimes even in a "ha-ha" way. Don't get started with truth-telling or taking something small and making it bigger. Can you spell "deficit" or "big government" or "runaway spending" or any number of other examples I don't care to type?

Moi will be saying goodbye for now, so enjoy the hair-splitting deflections without me.

KJ :)