How to remove ABS sensors?


Well-known member
I've been trying to pull my ABS sensors out so that I can reseat them, but I can't seem to pull them out. I'm having a hard time getting a grip around the sensor becuase the rock guard is in the way. I don't really want to pull on the chord - I can just hear my dad yelling at me, "pull the plug, not the chord!"

What has everyone else done? Is the plug/cord connection strong? Any techniques?


Well-known member
I just gently pry up under the sides with a flat head screwdriver, then grab from the top with a pair of pliers and very gently turn side to side while pulling up and they will slide right out. Probably not the best way, but it works for me on my DI.


Well-known member
They should just pull out. Twist and rock. Don't yank by the wire! Sometimes they corrode in place, in which case you will need new ones.

himalaya rover

after you get it out do you tap the sensor to reset it?

himalaya rover

How do you reset the front versus the back? I got the same problem, but have let it go for 6 months. Will this harm the brakes in any way?
I tried taking out one and tapping it and then putting it back- that was the front. nothing happened, the ABS never came back.
I heard you take a mallet and a towel on the rear and with a towel over them you tap them in place. Is this right?
Can someone please clarify this concept of resetting the front and rear ABS sensors for me on a DIsco 1. thanks


Well-known member
Yes--the front tone ring is on the CV joint.

PCFRover said:
I pulled one of my front ones out today and there was greese all over it. Is this normal?