disco 2 frontwheel bearing


Well-known member
May 22, 2004

Im about to repair an worn fronwheel bearing. There were no bearing available, only front hub assy.

Is there anything i should know, or is it strait forward jobb? Any special tools requerd? Any calibration of ABS? Something i realy should know about and be carefull with?

Thanks for advice....

have a nice day all!

1: The nut is staked on. Use a chisel to bend the nut away from the axle shaft.

2: The nut will be tremendously tight ~175 ft-lbs. If you don't have an air wrench, you probably ain't gonna get it off.

3: Once you do get the nut off, the hub will almost certainly be seized to the steering knuckle. Be very careful when trying to separate the hub as it is very easy to tear up the CV boot when trying to drive the hub out of the knuckle. I have taken an old hub bolt, drilled a pilot hole in the end and use an air hammer to drive the hub out.

Good luck.


Well-known member
May 22, 2004
jobb done!

"been there done that"...

i took me 7h to put it all in piece.....and less than an hour to finnish the job!
All was rusted to 1 piece and we had to work real hard to get all sepparated! (scandinavia wintertime salt on the roads....)

Putting it together after all cleaned rust was "walk-in-the-park"!

I highly recommend good tools (thing that pulls/press stuff out, dont know the englishword for it...) is a MUST!

spares are nor caompatible with rangie P38 and bearing is NOT serviceable!
