1st injuries



so, my 21 month old climbed over his crib rail during nap time yesterday and fractured his clavicle :eek:

now, he is wearing a figure 8 type brace that puts pressure on the clavicle. kind of looks like a gun holster that don johnson would have worn.

he has always been fearless when it comes to heights. he was getting on the kitchen table at 6months. he will climb anything in sight and jump from any height. i think he is part monkey. in searching for the good, i am hoping he will develop a more "helthy" fear of heights after this incident.

he is obviously very sore but taking it like a trooper. however, the mrs and i....our nerves are shattered.

needless to say, the crib got converted to a toddler bed last night.

anyone else want to share? any other crib climbers out there?

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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Chinoike Jigoku
Hope he recovers quickly.. nothing like that 1st injury to make you feel like you're doing a great job as a parent huh? Talk to you later.. Rob


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2006
Maybe he will develop a fear, my 3 yr old still has not. She was out of her crib and sleeping in a toddler bed at 10 months (yes she could walk then) because she climbed out of her crib and broke her arm. The toddler bed was put away and mattress put on the floor a short time later as she took to jumping on it (sleep at nap time stopped at age 1) and she jumped too high came down and split her chin open on a bed part (I did the same on a hard wood floor at age 4). She was put back in the toddler bed at age two, but have had other mishaps with her bike, tree climbing, and slides. I take it in stride because she is just as I was as a child, so I am prepared for the bumpy road ahead.:D


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2006
none of your fucking business
When I was three, I was spinning around in the garage. I got dizzy and fell over right onto one of the wirewheels on my moms wood paneled Dodge Caravan. I still have the scar on my forehead.

When I was five, I wanted an orange cut up for me by my sister. She refused to do it so I took it upon myself with a butterknife. Holding the orange in my right hand, I cut into the orange with the knife and it went right into my hand between my first and second finger. The citrus soaked into the wound...4 stitches into the webbing of my fingers.

Ed Cheung

Well-known member
Aug 23, 2006
Hong Kong
Hope your kid will recover quickly and not in a lot of pain.
As he is 21 month old, very soon he will be walking around the house, so get your house ready for that too, i.e. cabinet drawers he will not be able to open, medical bottles out of his reach, doors, etc.


slangel said:
Maybe he will develop a fear, my 3 yr old still has not. She was out of her crib and sleeping in a toddler bed at 10 months (yes she could walk then) because she climbed out of her crib and broke her arm. The toddler bed was put away and mattress put on the floor a short time later as she took to jumping on it (sleep at nap time stopped at age 1) and she jumped too high came down and split her chin open on a bed part (I did the same on a hard wood floor at age 4). She was put back in the toddler bed at age two, but have had other mishaps with her bike, tree climbing, and slides. I take it in stride because she is just as I was as a child, so I am prepared for the bumpy road ahead.:D


i took the front rail off the crib, put a brace across the front that sits about 2 inces above the matress and padded the floor. so in essence, it is a daybed that sits about 1.5 ft off the floor. he is free to come and go as he pleases now. hopefully this will prevent any further bed related injuries and will be the next step towards a full blown toddler bed.

rob, you are right! i feel like shit about it. i should have seen it coming.

i know that there are many more injuries to come especially if he is anything like his father was. i guess i know why my parents fretted now. i handled it well externally but it sure tore me up seeing him in pain like that.

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2006
barefoot said:

i took the front rail off the crib, put a brace across the front that sits about 2 inces above the matress and padded the floor. so in essence, it is a daybed that sits about 1.5 ft off the floor. he is free to come and go as he pleases now. hopefully this will prevent any further bed related injuries and will be the next step towards a full blown toddler bed.

rob, you are right! i feel like shit about it. i should have seen it coming.

i know that there are many more injuries to come especially if he is anything like his father was. i guess i know why my parents fretted now. i handled it well externally but it sure tore me up seeing him in pain like that.


Yeah, my daughter is a no fear child. In the driveway, she has even used her bike to shimmy up on to the Disco bumper, and then climbs the ladder to the roof rack. My son was so much easier, he never got into anything, now he just eggs her on.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, Orig Phoenix
Glad he isn't to bad.

Our older daughter walkedinto the liivingroom when she was 13mo old. No big deal as she walked @10mo, except she was previously asleep in her crib as well.

Similar outcome, that night she was slleeping in the daybed conversion. Mommy and daddy took meds:)


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2005
Rockville, MD
Going for the cookie jar all the way at the back of the counter using a chair to stand on, the chair slipped back and I slammed the inside of my eye on the corner of the counter. My parents (already in bed) heard the chair fall and a thump and came down to see me on the floor with blood appearing to be coming from my eye.

That was a fun trip to the med station.

The stitches were the most fun.

Never did get the damn cookie.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2004
Kingsport TN
Years ago now....

One Saturday morning, when our son was about 16 months old, my wife and I woke up with him in the bed between us. I thought he'd woken up and she put him in the bed with us, and she thought I had. When we figured out that neither had gotten him, we put him back in the crib again, stepped back to watch. He would stand up, put both arms over the rail and grab the slats, then flip over the rail, landing on his feet.

Likewise, crib came down and a toddler bed was put up that day.


Well-known member
May 25, 2005
Wolf Laurel NC
barefoot said:
so, my 21 month old climbed over his crib rail during nap time yesterday and fractured his clavicle :eek:

now, he is wearing a figure 8 type brace that puts pressure on the clavicle. kind of looks like a gun holster that don johnson would have worn.

he has always been fearless when it comes to heights. he was getting on the kitchen table at 6months. he will climb anything in sight and jump from any height. i think he is part monkey. in searching for the good, i am hoping he will develop a more "helthy" fear of heights after this incident.

he is obviously very sore but taking it like a trooper. however, the mrs and i....our nerves are shattered.

needless to say, the crib got converted to a toddler bed last night.

anyone else want to share? any other crib climbers out there?


Hey Anthony,

Sorry to hear that. My oldest was also a climber and did the same thing minus the fracture. FWIW I had my wife, a seasoned Occupational Therapist, read your thread. I told her to read your thread with her O.T. head. She said that the clavicle is the most broken bone and that at his age he'll heal up quickly and that the toddler bed is exactly the right thing to do.

Hang in there bro,



Well-known member
May 25, 2005
Wolf Laurel NC
I also remember taking a developmental psych class and watching a video of little ones crawling across a Plexiglas riser. they did not even think about the fall, they just kept on crawling. They then had some older toddlers do the same thing and when they saw the bottom fall our via what was under the Plexiglas they stopped and went around. I guess it is just part of development and your son has a heads up LOL!




Well-known member
Aug 15, 2005
Northern California
When my 5 year old was about 2, he climbed over the back of the chair and was about to land headfirst on the floor. I ran across the room (at that speed that only parents know about when their child is about to be hurt) and caught him by his foot just as he fell. Then he couldn't walk anymore. We thought maybe he was sore, and figured we would see how it was the next morning.

The next morning, he still couldn't walk on that leg. I felt like shit. It's one thing for your child to be hurt, it's another when YOU were the one who did it. So took him to the doctor. I imagined them calling Child Protective Services on me. While we were in the waiting room, my son saw all the toys and sprinted across the room like it was nothing. Whew! The doctor laughed off our story and says it happens all the time.

A few years later, I did it again. I rocketed our second son into the ceiling fan. He was fine, though I don't think I will have any more children soon.


Well-known member
May 7, 2004
Elizabethtown, PA
My now 4 y.o. took a tumble when he was about 1 at the grocery store. Came down face first on the metal cover over the caster on the shopping cart. I had a feeling this wasn't going to end well and I as I rolled him over, blood is pouring out of his forehead. A nice lady gave me a bag of frozen peas, and I left for the hospital. Unfortunately, mom's a dermatologist and I had to tell her I messed up her beautiful little boy. Fortunately, she's at Penn State Hershey Med Center where there is a derm surgeon and friend of the family working in the same clinic. Got to skip the ER, didn't have to wait long and all's well now. I think Max handled it very well.
Here's to quick recoveries- yours and his!


well, we shall see what the orthopedist says thursday. he is doing much better pain wise but still isnt using that arm much (rightfully so). i looked at the x-ray myself and saw the "dent". however, it looked a little bowed to me when compared with the other side and i am worried it might be a greenstick.

either way, the figure 8 is about all that can be done to make sure it heals right. however, if it turns out to be bowed/greenstick....i will likely be more vigilent with the sling to promote proper (straight) healing.

thanks for the support and stories!



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2007
San Antonio, TX
sorry to hear about the injury. My son is going on 14 months next week, so I guess I'm getting a taste of what I get to look forward to. Hes still in the crib, but has taken to jumping on the matress as if its a castle jump. Anyways, how do you know when they are in need of a toddler bed? When they start climbing out??


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Chinoike Jigoku
My thoughts are if they have been walking for a few months, they are too old for a crib, but what do I know? My son hasn't slept one night in a crib and he'll be 4 in a couple months.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2004
Kingsport TN
brianhoberg said:
Anyways, how do you know when they are in need of a toddler bed? When they start climbing out??

That's about right.... some want 'em in the crib as long as they can, so you know where they are w/o having to be right there in the same room, but once they get to where they can get out, you should move on to a toddler bed, if not a bit sooner.



Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
Prospect, VA, USA
when i had just turned 3, i had a little game i like to play. My mother would put me in the van on the passenger side, walk around, and i would jump accross and lock the door before she could get to it. Well one day she was faster and i went right out of the door, head first, catching the bottom of the door with my forehead on the way down. This was a fullsize van so i had built up a pretty good "head" of steam. Took 3 stitches in my forehead. i really dont remember the entire incident: not sure if it was because of the age or the hit to the head.

hope your baby gets well quickly!